Our API Standard pumping unit, ESP system, sucker rod pumps, sucker rods, wellhead and X-Trees are high quality with long service life.

WorkoverTR offers a large ranges of workover rigs, snubbing units and flush by rigs etc.

Coiled Tubing EuipmentsSkid mounted, truck mounted and trailer mounted coiled tubing units provide complete system with high performance

Pumping UnitTR’s API standard pumping units are structurally simple, super reliable in performance, easy in installation & maintain...

ESP SystemOur ESP system can provide a complete and practical solution for almost all of your oilfield related projects.

Wellhead & X-max TreesTR’s X-mas Trees are strictly designed as per API 6A with excellent sealing performance.

Sucker Rod PumpsTR provides API standard sucker rod pumps or special pumps as requested by the client.

TR offers a large ranges of workover rigs, snubbing units and flush by rigs etc.
Coiled Tubing Euipments

Skid mounted, truck mounted and trailer mounted coiled tubing units provide complete system with high performance
Pumping Unit

TR’s API standard pumping units are structurally simple, super reliable in performance, easy in installation & maintainence.
ESP System

Our ESP system can provide a complete and practical solution for almost all of your oilfield related projects.
Wellhead & X-max Trees

TR’s X-mas Trees are strictly designed as per API 6A with excellent sealing performance.
Sucker Rod Pumps

TR provides API standard sucker rod pumps or special pumps as requested by the client.
Sucker Rod & Accessories

TR’s ordinary sucker rod & Accessories are manufactured according to API 11B.